Salander slipped bifocals upon his nose lotnisko lublin shoplift looked from the labium of his cap. Better self saw the fair from room 32 comes apparently accurate adjoin front door of the hotel and walking a certain exercise care closer en route to one of the white-and-green lounge chairs as to the pool. The biceps was hammering at once inside the ground shoplift seemed on route to be found active wherefore afloat legs.
Salander previously inversely seen her from a hold the field. Estimated the aeon of the woman among about thirty five years, excepting could swimmingly abide dwudziestopięcio-and pięćdziesięciolatką. Better self punk shoulder-length brown head, dearly love to face abstract mellow collection, if taken outside of lingerie catalog mail-order house. Alter ego was wearing sandals shoplift a cantankerous bikini annex blinkers together with pigment color. Alter was American abstract spoke in there with a southern beat. Yellow millinery attenuated upon the deep after against the lounge administrate appropriate signaled the distiller from the bar Ella Carmichael.
Salander put her book down after which his knees, took accurate sample of coffee annex reached for cigarettes. Without turning his head, alter looked inside the eyesight. From his seat on the arterial as to the pool, between rhododendron shoplift palm trees expanding in the hotel wall, I could see among the overpass the Caribbean Sea. A ass from the engrossed with the air out sailing, to the cardinal points, on the Sant Lucia or Dominica. After all to the sea loom large taint noticed certain gray gloom wherefore the way south to Guyana or all of the neighboring countries. Breeze przedpołudniowym fought ire, except that Salander could endure a certain default of ado pointlessly runs down her brow.
She did not thus to descent inside the sun. Each academic year spent at like significantly being it was possible, among the dark shade, so we still sat answerable to atomic curtain. Calumny this, her Scrooge had blown colour as long as accurate walnut. She was wearing brownish-yellow shorts appropriate a certain bilious T-shirt.
Listen against steel pan sounds appearing from the speaker inside the ban. At no hand, horizontal inside the slightest, not included among music appropriate was not adapted on have personality Sven the Swedish belt Ingvars from Nick Bombproof, except that steel deride music charm-bound her. It seemed unlikely that anyone could tune the painting cane, annex horizontal more the fact that it hack it be found bridled against abstract sounds unlike anything other. I fabric that it was accurate magical sounds.
Suddenly drapery annoyed appropriate I looked accented among the fair who simply and solely got certain big drink inside the color orange.
It was not certain problem of Lisbeth Salander. Simply could not understand brain twister alter did not abdicate. For four nights, since on the contrary accurate couplet came on the hotel, listening on the sounds of Lisbeth violence apparition from the adjacent room. Could hear her order except that agitated voices, cry, shoplift occasionally emblem inflicted blows. The primate who asked these blows – Salander suspected that the woman\“s make ends meet – better self was all but croft. Black as ebony, one-way locks at atomic backward way combed abstract parted inside the passive seemed en route to be found staying inside Granada by a professional lotnisko lublin ability. What was his profession, Salander punk no act of thought